
Tateti Tateti

In my eternal quest to learn Haskell I decided to implement a game in ncurses.

The code is over at GitHub if anyone wants to check it out.

The game is “Ultimate Tic Tac Toe”, a variant on classic 3x3 Tic Tac Toe where inside each of the 9 cells there is another, smaller cell, where actual gameplay takes place. But there is a catch: the sub-board where the player plays is decided by the playing position of the last player’s move!

I came across this game a while ago in this blog post. The link also contains a better explanation of the rules, which you should read for any of this to make sense.

By the way, the main libraries I chose for this project are:

Some types for great programming

This is the main type:

type Game a = StateT GameState Curses a

Which means Game a is a Monad that carries a state of type GameState, another Monad inside named Curses, and returns some a.

Convenient fact: Curses is an instance of MonadIO which means we can use liftIO!

Then we have the game state:

data GameState = GameState
    { _gPlayer :: Player
    , _gBoardState :: BoardState (BoardState (Maybe Player))
    , _gMode :: Mode
    , _gQuit :: Bool
    } deriving Show

This record holds most of the game mutable state, namely:

  • who is currently playing
  • the state of the board
  • the game mode
  • if they want to quit

The game mode is a simple sum type data Mode = Free | Fixed. Free means the player can choose his/her next sub-board (for example in the first turn), where Fixed means they can’t (for example after a valid move from the other player).

Now, notice that funny nested BoardState? Check out the type:

data BoardState t = BoardState
    { _bsCells :: Array Position t
    , _bsPosition :: Position
    , _bsWinner :: Maybe Winner
    } deriving Show

A board is three things:

  • a position (where the player currently is)
  • a winner, maybe
  • an array indexed by Positions populated by some thing t

Thus, the big board is just a board with an array of boards, where each one has inside an array of Maybe Player, because either it’s an empty cell or it has a player’s move.

All this arrays are indexed by the Position type:

data Position = Position Vertical Horizontal
              deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Ix)

data Vertical = T | M | B deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Ix)

data Horizontal = L | C | R deriving (Show, Enum, Eq, Ord, Ix)

Where each letter stands for Top, Middle, Bottom (for Vertical) and Left, Center, Right (for Horizontal).

This means we can have a 3x3 array filled with ones as easily as:

someAray :: Array Position Int
someArray = listArray (Position T L, Position B R) (repeat 1)

which you can index

someArray ! (Position T R)

And of course, deriving Ix knows how to produce all the Position pairs! Isn’t that just lovely?

Finally just make some lenses:

$(makeLenses ''GameState)
$(makeLenses ''BoardState)

I also took the liberty to add a lens for arrays (my first custom lens!):

ax :: Ix i => i -> Lens (Array i a) (Array i a) a a
ax i = lens getter setter
    getter = (! i)
    setter = (\arr v -> arr // [(i, v)])

Imperative programming in the key of Monad

How does this look on action? Well, quite sexy I’d say. This is what happens when a player presses spacebar on a sub-board’s cell:

-- if the sub-board's cell is occupied return Nothing,
-- otherwise return the current sub-Position
actionPlayer :: Game (Maybe Position)
actionPlayer = do
    -- `use` applies a lens to the state, giving back it's contents
    pl <- use gPlayer

    -- of course, lenses compose
    pos <- use (gBoardState . bsPosition)

    -- `zoom` runs a State computation inside a piece of our bigger state,
    -- in this case, inside the sub-board at `pos`

    -- `bsAx p` is just `bsCells . ax p`
    zoom (gBoardState . bsAx pos) $ do

        pos' <- use bsPosition

        -- LambdaCase is surprisingly fun for State monads,
        -- you can get a field of the state and pattern match
        -- on it in a single line, just like in the imperative world
        -- (except the imperative world doesn't have pattern matching)
        use (bsAx pos') >>= \case

            -- sow now we are inside a cell in a sub-board and match:
            -- if the spot is already occupied, return Nothing
            Just _ -> return Nothing

            -- if the spot is free, assign the current player to it
            -- and return this position
            Nothing -> do
                bsAx pos' .= Just pl
                return $ Just pos'

Two things stand out:

This code looks very Python/Ruby/Javascript like. The syntax is different, but there is less syntax too. I mean, we are super used to reading stuff like myObj['key'][thing].lol, but that’s just syntax. On the other hand, things like >>= or gBoardState . bsPosition are functions. You can check their types, you can pass them around and put them in a list.

(well yeah, <- is syntax too, but one that applies to every Monad ever not just dictionaries)

The second thing is that zoom is great. With it you force a do block to have access to only a part of the entire state, which of course makes your code simpler to reason about and generally safer!

Drawing with ncurses was also pretty simple. For example, here we draw all the board’s crosses:

drawCrosses :: GameState -> Colors -> Update ()
drawCrosses gs colors = do
    -- main cross
    drawCross 7 Nothing (0, 0)

    -- small crosses
    let offsets = [1, 1 + 8, 1 + 8 + 8]
        coords = (,) <$> offsets <*> offsets
        poss = range (Position T L, Position B R)
        winner p = gs ^. gBoardState . bsAx p . bsWinner
        color_ids = map (winner >=> return . colors . color) poss

    mapM_ (uncurry $ drawCross 1) $ zip color_ids coords

Where drawCross takes the size of a cell, a Maybe ColorID and a coordinate offset, and just draws the horizontal and vertical lines.

Since smaller boards get colored when a player wins, we have to get their winners and colors first.

Also (,) <$> offsets <*> offsets is funny. It builds a list of pairs of all combinations of offsets. Basically \( \{ (x, y) : x \in S , y \in S \} \) with \( S = \{ 1, 1+8, 1+8+8 \} \) because each big-board cell is 7 characters wide plus one for the line.

The main loop

It looks like:

-- I didn't want to add the windows and colors to the state nor use a Reader,
-- so I just used good old arguments
mainLoop :: Window -> Window -> Colors -> Game (Maybe Winner)
mainLoop w1 w2 colors = do

    -- we draw everything
    drawAll w1 w2 colors

    -- then, depending on the input
    parseInput w1 >>= \case
        -- if a movement key, move accordingly.
        -- remember: movement is just an update on the Position in the state
        -- this when rendered moves the cursor around
        Movement m -> movePlayer m

        -- if they pressed spacebar then
        Select -> use gMode >>= \case

            -- free mode: just lock into the sub-board
            Free -> do
                p <- use (gBoardState . bsPosition)
                use (gBoardState . bsAx p . bsWinner) >>= \case
                    -- unless board is already closed (has a winner)
                    Just _ -> return ()

                    -- board is open, enter
                    Nothing -> gMode .= Fixed

            -- fixed mode: lots of things
            Fixed -> actionPlayer >>= \case
                -- illegal action, do noting
                Nothing -> return ()

                -- legal action, `played_p` is where they played
                Just played_p -> do

                    -- calculate sub-board and big-board winners
                    p <- use (gBoardState . bsPosition)
                    gBoardState . bsAx p . bsWinner <~ innerWinner played_p

                    gBoardState . bsWinner <~ outerWinner p

                    -- switch players
                    gPlayer %= \x -> if x == X then O else X

                    -- move to next board
                    -- `%=` updates a field of the state with a function
                    gBoardState . bsPosition .= played_p

                    -- enter free mode if closed
                    use (gBoardState . bsAx played_p . bsWinner) >>= \case
                        Nothing -> return ()
                        Just _ -> gMode .= Free

        -- finally if quitted update the state
        Quit -> gQuit .= True

    use gQuit >>= \case
        -- now, if they quitted return
        True -> return Nothing

        -- otherwise, check if we have a winner and return that, or just loop
        False -> use (gBoardState . bsWinner) >>= \case
            Nothing -> mainLoop w1 w2 colors
            winner -> return winner

Well that’s pretty big, but if you consider that’s almost everything you need for the main loop, it’s quite interesting.

Also, see that last two lines? If you switch them around you introduce a bug, but don’t fear, GHC will saves us (with -Wall enabled, which you should always do) saying:

    Pattern match(es) are overlapped
        In a case alternative: Nothing -> ...

I think that’s super neat.

Wrapping up

This was not my first time with a monad transformer, nor with lenses, but I did learn some things. For example, I could read some lens’ errors!

While I can use lenses, the abstraction is quite … abstract. But this time I think I got a step closer to understanding it.

Testing was quite easy too. Since I could just spit the GameState to stderr (and pipe it to a file), I would start the game with a board full of moves! All of this for free deriving Show and Read instances.

I was also about to build a server/client mode for online multiplayer, but I thought: “if anyone is ever gonna play this online, they surely know how to screen -x”.

In the end, doing something actually playable is always fun :D

November 23, 2015